
Experience radiant, aligned living connected to source, power, and creativity through our curated offerings!

Magnolia Leadership’s programs activate transformation and remembrance of your soul path, bringing you into your heart and body to create your highest mastery and most potent expressions.

Online and in-person for inspired individuals, couples, and groups. 

Offerings will be rolling out throughout 2023 & early 2024.

Blossom - open

A Sacred Path to the Embodied Woman

A 4-month threshold program and retreat to affirm and reveal your deepest calling, cultivate your power, harness your wisdom, and bloom your dreams in this next season of life!

During our journey together, you can expect… 

Healing Sessions to remove interferences, help you hold power, and learn to build trust with your guidance.

Vision Sessions to identify your own sacred deepest vision and deepening best practices to move toward your fullest bloom.

Throughout the sessions, you will…

  • Participate in ceremonies and rituals as you continue expanding your connection with your heart, womb, and earth-aligned power
  • Receive energy medicine as you continue to shift your relationship to self, others, and the divine 
  • Learn tools for daily practice, such as nourishing prayers, mantras, and meditations for connecting with the sacred
  • Meet a community of soulful women to help amplify your soul’s full expression
Learn More About Blossom Here

Reunion - coming soon

Healing the Feminine Relationship with the Masculine

A 6-week online course for women to begin to heal the inner wound between the masculine and feminine

During our journey together, you can expect… 

  • Healing our internal relationship with our own masculine 
  • Healing the father wound
  • Soul retrieval, power retrieval, and energetic interference releasement from programming and relational patterns
  • Deprogramming ourselves from toxic masculinity and patriarchal wounding 

Throughout the sessions, you can expect…

To work through a weekly meditation, transmission, and homework self-practice

Sign Up for Waiting List to Be Notified When Course Opens

Blossom Teen - coming soon

A Sacred Path to the Embodied Young Woman

A 4-month threshold program and retreat to honor young women who are about to begin or have recently started menstruating.

Our biological initiations are celebratory moments into womanhood! We believe this is a critical threshold in a young woman’s journey and offer to hold space for this sacred time. 

Western culture has lost connection with this sacred rite of passage. As a result, many women may have traumatic or power loss around this powerful initiation. So, we heal our daughters and ourselves together.

During our journey together, you can expect… 

Healing Sessions to remove interferences, help you hold power, and learn to build trust with your guidance.

Vision Sessions to identify your own sacred deepest vision and deepening best practices to move toward your fullest bloom. 

Expand Your Sisterhood by meeting with other young women and older women who will share their experience of womanhood and answer questions and share stories. 

Strengthen female bonds as you move through your journey as a teenager!

Throughout the sessions, you will…

  • Discover the importance of biological initiation practices connected to ancient wisdom, traditions, and ceremony 
  • Connect to your unique identity and the collective female consciousness 
  • Learn your female anatomy and its interconnection to body and spirit
  • Identify misaligned cultural narratives around menstruation and reclaim your narrative and birthright
  • Participate in ceremonies and rituals as you continue expanding your connection with your heart, womb, and earth-aligned power
  • Discover rituals and practices for your monthly menstruation to help ground and connect you 
  • Meet a community of soulful young women to help amplify your soul’s full expression

Throughout these 4 months, there will also be opportunities for mothers to join in on conversations and ceremonies.

Sign Up for Waiting List to Be Notified When Course Opens

Beloved - coming soon

A Sacred Path to Cultivating an Awakened Heart Toward Self and Others

A 6-week online course for couples to begin to step into loving completely.

During our journey together, you can expect to begin to:

  • Bring the spark of passion and sexual polarity back to your love
  • Come to peace and spark passion in your present relationship
  • Explore strategies for receiving one another during conflict and staying connected to love
  • Become a better lover, a better friend, and a better partner for your significant other

Throughout the sessions, you can expect…

To work through a weekly meditation, transmission, and homework self-practice.

Sign Up for Waiting List to Be Notified When Course Opens

1:1 Magnolia Mentorship - open

6-month mentorship for entrepreneurs, Mammas and Pappas, and creators with a new expression calling to them. For those ready to receive support for their next creative edge. 

The Magnolia Mentorship is for folks ready to welcome intimate support from Catherine. 

In The Magnolia Mentorship, you get access to:

Learn from Catherine’s wisdom, and receive teachings, empowerments, rituals, and strategies customized for you.

Catherine will be your loving guide, using her well-honed power to help you tap into you!  You can bring material from your life — dilemmas, strategies, blocks, dreams — to your sessions. Catherine will help you tap into your knowledge, clear blocks, and make plans to move you forward. 

Catherine will asses your life and help you tap into your potent medicine. You know the answer deep inside, and your life is an expression of the medicine used to date. Together, we’ll plan, heal, laugh, cry, and move forward and deepen.  

You can strategize with Catherine in your sessions and receive reflections, thoughts, feedback, and collaboration on any area of your life.

Schedule A Discovery Call Here

Magnolia Immersive Soul Journey - open

Are you ready to go deep and immerse yourself in the soul-aligned, heart-aligned, earth-aligned transformation of the magnolia?

In these immersive containers of a few days or a week, we jump into the deep end but with beautiful support. Here we play and uncover new possibilities.

Healing is invoked and brought into deeply embodied teachings in real-time.

This work is deep, in-person, in real-time, reverent, and focused potentiality.

Immersions are ceremonial, nurturing, nourishing, connected to nature, creative and spiritual.

Schedule A Discovery Call Here

Additional Future Offerings 

Healing Relationship with Money


Healing Relationship with Your Body


Restoring Relationship with Christ’s Consciousness


Be Notified When We Launch a Future Offering